What are the signs that you’re an OCD traveller? Do you wash your hands at the airport more than 5 times an hour? Or do you incessantly check on your passport at every given chance? Here are 11 tell-tale signs that you are one of those travellers that no one dares call to your face.
#1 There’s always a wet wipe within reach

For situations ranging from the delicate to the emergency.
#2 And definitely a surgical grade alcohol swab

You wonder why it’s not sold as commonly as tissue.
#3 You keep repacking your luggage every night

Because you can’t stand seeing it in a topsy turvy mess.
#4 You live in the shadow of your bag

The more appropriate question to ask is, what’s not in it? From emergency medication to a sewing kit, you have it, just in case.
#5 You bring your own set of cutlery wherever you go

What? Yours is sanitised, plus, no one loses!
#6 You TRY not to shake hands

Wave, titter, even air kisses are preferable. Do you know how much bacteria gets on your paws?!?
#7 Your itinerary was planned half a year ago

Or on the very day that you made the travel decision.
#8 You are every booking travel agent’s nightmare

Can you please check again? …. Again and again and…
#9 Your table is always pre-wiped (with an anti-bacterial swipe)

Before any elbows/phones/plates are allowed to make contact.
#10 You try only to pay by card, and seldom cash.

It has been scientifically proven that cash is one of the dirtiest things you’ll ever handle.
#11 You bring your own brand new sponge to scrub the holiday bathtub

Nothing says OCD traveller more than “I brought my own sponge!”.
Do you know anyone who’s an OCD traveller, nomads?
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