We thought we were pretty smart when we listed down the ways we afford to constantly travel. You can read them here. But then we came across the man who clearly out-nomads us.
Meet Scott, a 28-year old reporter and travel expert from the U.S. He has flown around the earth 14.3 times since 2011, putting 30 different stamps in his passport along the way.

And this is how he does it: he’s earned millions of frequent flyer miles, points and other member perks from credit cards. So much so that he’s going to take 21 flights for a trip across 32,200 km. His travel plans include Mexico, Nicaragua, Trinidad, St. Lucia, Grenada, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Lithuania, and Finland — all in two months.
Finding a way to travel the world for free? Definitely not easy. He spends weeks coming up with ways to reap long-term benefits. “If your ultimate goal is to be able to find as cheap a flight as possible and go somewhere cool for not much money then starting with an open, blank slate and going wherever there’s a cheap flight right now is going to be your best bet,” he told Tech Insider.

Some of Scott’s methods that have clearly paid off includes opening credit cards that award customers airline miles or points, and letting the airline know when he has a related complaint. Scott also used a spreadsheet which he says has increased his credit score. It’s good to be a responsible adult.
To keep up with his adventures and pick up a few tips, check out Fly For Free. He’s not too shabby looking either.
Then let’s travel.
Photo credits: Scott Keyes.